Friday 23 June 2017

Recent evenings during the heatwave

A few recent updates from back garden in East Oxford. The heatwave brought some nice new additions to the garden list including Maiden's Blush and the rather impressive Schoenobius gigantella (18 June), Scorched Wing and Blue-bordered Carpet (20 June) and a beautiful Scarce Silver-lines on 21 June. The heatwave also coincided with large emergence of Scarlet Tigers, with (for me) record numbers including 34 on 17th, 63 on 18th, 69 on 19th, 30 on 20th and an amazing 93 on 21st, the latter really quite an unforgettable sight!

 Maiden's Blush (18 June 2017)
 Scorched Wing (20 June 2017)
 Scarce Silver-lines (21 June)
A few of many Scarlet Tigers - fascinating variation


  1. Peter Hall and I thought we were doing well getting into double figures with Scarlet Tiger in Bernwood Forest the other night, but your totals there are something else - fantastic!!

  2. I've always had good numbers, but this has been really striking. They were almost 50% of all moths on the night of 21st!


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