
Sunday, 18 May 2014

Grass Rivulet?

Another comparatively good night in Wolvercote, Oxon, on the 17th, with just over forty individuals of 23 species. They included a rather lovely Peach Blossom, two Poplar Hawkmoths and the moth below which, unless I'm misidentifying a Sandy Carpet, is a Grass Rivulet. If so, it's a garden first, and in contrast with the mothing Bible's 'Resident. Common.' mantra, is supposedly 'Local', and on the Rothamsted Red List. The food plant, Yellow Rattle, grows quite nearby, so it looks plausible: does it seem right? Steve and Xander Goddard.

Possible Grass Rivulet, 17/5/14


  1. Looks the part Steve. Lots of records in the Bucks database, so it does quite well locally.

  2. Thanks, Peter: that's another one for the garden list!


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