Oncocera semirubella, Hughenden Valley 30th July |
Today, before looking at sites in the Wendover area, I called at Aston Clinton Ragpits where Nemophora metallica was again out in some numbers on scabious flowers (17 counted) while three examples of the small tortrix Pammene aurana were seen on umbellifers.
Pammene aurana, Aston Clinton Ragpits 31st July |
One day perhaps I'll find the confusion species Phaulernis fulviguttella which looks very similar, but it has never been recorded in Bucks. Some experts seem to consider it to be a common species but that does not appear to be true, certainly in our area, and it is in any case on the Nationally Scarce 'B' List (known only from between 31 and 100 ten kilometre squares nationally).
Dave Wilton