
Monday, 18 July 2016

Totals still down.

On an almost identical night a year ago my total was 40% greater than it was last night although the species number was very little different. On looking back totals of Dark Arches, Heart and Dart, Uncertain/Rustic and some of the other commoner moths are well down. Is this general with others?
 As recompense,however, I was rewarded with my first Old Lady.
Steve Lockey (Garsington)


  1. There are many factors at bay determining moth catch numbers. It's not just temperature, humidity and wind, but this past week there's been a bright moon. You also have to factor in the number of days since the last significant rainfall, as this will wash out a lot of moths and numbers have to build again afterwards.

  2. Thanks Peter, I shall keep counting and comparing.


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