
Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Garden comes good.

To take advantage of what is probably the last of the summer, I put the trap on last night in the garden. I haven't had any great catches here this year, but what a difference last night!

Several NFY with Swallow-tailed Moth, Lilac Beauty, Fern, Foxglove Pug, Heart & Club, and those below:

I think this is one of the Lutestrings, but I'm not at all familiar with the different species...

And this, which I believe is Mocha...(I just don't get too many "Nationally Scarce" species!)

Also, if anyone can suggest on this micro:

Dave Morris, Seer Green


  1. I'm sure with a little effort you could have id'd the Lutestring. The 2 dots are a bit of a giveaway. It's a Common Lutestring. Your micro is Apotomis turbidana. The Mocha is a lovely moth.

  2. Nice sightings, Dave. You may have seen from recent reports on the Blog that Mocha is fairly widespread in south Bucks despite being Nationally Scarce. It has even been found in Bernwood Forest this year so my garden must be next on its list! The Common Lutestring is almost equally as good in this area as a garden record.

  3. Thanks both. I saw above that Adam had Mochas as well, so not as rare as posited, then. I've had one at the museum a couple of years back, and saw one on the BIG trip to Holtspur in 2013. Common Lutestring, I've only seen once when on a trapping trip in Swansea; never seen the other Lutestrings.

  4. Mocha is a regular visitor in Marlow Bottom - it breeds and I get both generations. It's almost unusual not to get one or two when in season. It is a lovely moth though and always a welcome sight

  5. Conversely, I've only had one Common Lutestring.


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