
Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Beetle ID, please

This rather smart little chap, about 5 - 6 mm long. in my trap last night. I presume it's a beetle of some sort but ID would be appreciated.

Moths here, new for the year, were Scorched Wing, Udea olivalis, Birds Wing, Large Fruit-tree Tortrix, Small Waved Umber, Peppered Moth, Willow Beauty, Coronet and Clouded Brindle.

Richard Ellis


  1. I suspect that's a bug (hemiptera) rather than a beetle, Richard. Have a look at the wonderfully named Dryophilocoris flavoquadrimaculatus.

  2. Thanks, Dave. That certainly looks right. I see that it is common on oak although I can't recall ever seeing one before.

  3. Strangely I had two of these bugs in my trap last night. I've never seen them in the garden before, and there is no oak very close. In fact I don't think I've ever seen them in Bucks, which probably says more about my lack of recording around oaks than it does about the bug's distribution. But it does look like they have been dispersing at night over the last few days.


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