Saturday 27 July 2024

Smart antennae

 Can anyone help with identifying this smart looking micro from last night? Nice number of ermines too.

Many thanks

Barnaby Briggs

Iver, Bucks

Hoary or Scarce? OX10 9LS

 I've got the specimen and the apps say Hoary but comments in previous posts say I need to check the hindwing. I'm new to this and don't know how to get to see the hindwings without doing damage to the moth as it doesn't want to unfurl itself. Any advice please?

Thursday 25 July 2024

Ermine invasion

I have had the biggest invasion of moths in all my 16 years of light trapping - hundreds of ermine micros all over the trap itself and around. The mere sight of them tired me too much to attempt much in the way of ID, especially given my record of blunders. But here are some pics. More cheeringly, from my point of view, the Kent Black Arches has arrived here, to be welcomed by a particular favourite of mine, the Tree-lichen Beauty.  Martin Wainwright, Thrupp, Oxon 

Another query

 This looks like Y cagnagella to me, but I know this genus is tricky. We have spindleberry in the garden.

Can I be certain from the pattern of spots and the lack of any grey or not?

Thanks, David

Tuesday 23 July 2024

Another new garden record

 Opostega salaciella recorded last night.

Also a Common Carpet with an unusually narrow central band.

Andy Newbold, Sibford Ferris, Oxon.

Monday 22 July 2024

Help please!

 These two micros came to light the other night. I'm not sure either has enough detail to ID with certainty. Any thoughts, please? Nos 1 and 2 are the same specimen.

Thanks, David

 I have bred a female Gypsy Moth from a local wood, where, after feeding (sugar), it will be released in a day or two UNLESS someone would like it for assembling.  07947065444


Denham UB95BN

Two grey micros and a Eudemis?

 These two patterned grey micros came to my Oxford garden, 1. on 12 July; 2. on 19 July and have stumped me. The third one here I think is Eudemis profundana also from 19 July.



Sunday 21 July 2024

A couple of Elachistas

 Friday 19th was the best night this year for me with five or perhaps six "lifers" including these two Elachistas.

The first looks to be either Elachista albifrontella, or apicipunctella, but the second appears as if it could be Elachista luticomella. However as they were virtually together in the trap, it seems much more likely that they are both the same species, although in an internet search, I couldn't find any examples of the former two species with yellowish head and markings. I have the second for dissection if necessary, but not the first.

The other new species were a couple of Tineids, Morophaga choragella and Tinea trinotella,

plus Oncocera semirubella and Acleris aspersana.

Saturday 20 July 2024

Some new records for the garden

 Rosy Footman and Kent Black Arches finally made it to Sibford in the last couple of nights.

Notocelia roborana was also new for the garden although I am surprised I have not had it before.

What I think is probably just a pale Scarce Footman but I would appreciate confirmation that it is not Hoary.

Andy Newbold, Sibford Ferris, Oxon.

Evergestis limbata

A couple of recordings of Evergestis limbata were posted on this blog in June. I had one to my garden trap on Thursday 18th July - a new garden record.
The same evening I also had this very fresh looking Nymphula nitidulata.
Steve Trigg, Cookham

Dark crimson underwing

 Last night looked like being an ideal night for trapping,and so it proved to be with 4 nfg moths the highlight of which is what I think is a dark crimson underwing, the other 3 were bordered beauty,dusky sallow and black arches,still low numbers of moths with 80 of 24 species being my highest for this year.

Mike Banbury 

Friday 19 July 2024

Haplotinea insectella?

 I found this moth (FL~ 9mm) indoors a few days ago, and have finally got around to trying to ID it. It is, or was, a very lively moth and after only a few seconds out of the fridge it started running around in the pot at great speed! It looks as if it could be Haplotinea insectella, but if so I assume it needs dissection to be sure? Or on the other hand perhaps it is something else entirely!
Phil T 


Cloaked Minor?

 Hi - 3apps say Cloaked Minor, but colour wise it doesn't look like any of the pictures in books. Can anyone help please? Thanks Andy

September Thorn & Tort?

 I think I've got a September Thorn, there is some suggestion of a kink, but I suspect it's just an early(ish) September Thorn (I see the earliest was June!).




I could also do with some help on this Tort.




Mark Griffiths, Garsington, Oxford