Thursday 11 April 2024



Things are humming along nicely here with Streamer, Frosted Green, Herald and Swallow Prominent livening up the eggboxes, but this visitor has me puzzled, especially by its pronounced veining. Is it just a Common Quaker or may I hope for something more interesting? I'm sorry that I'm neglectful on sizing but those familiar with eggboxes should get a pretty fair idea.  All help much appreciated as ever. Martin Wainwright, Thrupp Oxon


  1. Hello Martin,
    I think that's just a tired Common Quaker, as you supposed it would be.

  2. Thanks so much Dave, as always. As I feared but it's a nice, quiet-looking moth all the same. Much appreciated. (If this appears, I've at last recovered my ability to thank everyone who helps in Comments. Probs all at my end, not yours). M


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