Thursday 28 December 2017

October Confirmations

I managed to get myself terribly confused over Lunar Underwings and Beaded Chestnuts from the forewing only pictures I had. Previous years I found Beaded Chestnut's unlike the Lunar Underwings were pretty much constant. This year I got completely plain ones to ones that were almost black.

I'd appreciate if someone could confirm these catches from October. I think all but the last ones are Beaded Chestnut, with the final one as Lunar Underwing.

Mark Griffiths, Garsington, Oxford

1 comment:

  1. Hello Mark, sorry for the delay. I've been away for the last few days and it would seem that everyone else is hibernating! Indeed, your first five pictures are all Beaded Chestnut while the sixth is Lunar Underwing. Beaded Chestnut is quite variable and sometimes has barely any markings at all.


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