Wednesday 30 December 2020

2020 In Numbers Tilehurst Berkshire

Number of nights trap run = 19

Number of species caught = 130

Nights with 100+ species = 0

Best night for moth numbers = 12th Aug (146)

Highest counts for a single species = 30 (Chrysoteuchia culmella 23/6) & 20 (Lunar Underwing 26/9)

New for the site in 2020 = 24 species including Tree-lichen Beauty, Jersey Tiger & Elegia similella.

Total number of moths caught in the garden = 540

Notes: I live on a typical housing estate with just a few surrounding trees such as Oak & Birch plus a Rowan in my garden.
I only usually run my Robinson MV trap once a month due to time constraints. However, due to Covid I have been able to devote more time this year.
Interestingly, the number of moths was down this year compared to 2019 when the trap was run only 12 times.

I really hoped for a Clifden Nonpareil as everyone else seemed to be catching it, but no luck. Still onwards and upwards for 2021.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for preparing this run-down Tony. I can't see Clifden Nonpareil avoiding you for much longer!


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