Saturday, 14 November 2015

A Zero Return

The first zero return of the winter.  There were no moths to the trap here last night, which was no great surprise really considering the weather.  Actually, when I say trap, what I mean is that there were no moths to our conservatory windows because at this time of year if there's a danger of the trap floating or being blown away then I run the light indoors.  There is usually at least one set of windows sheltered from the wind and rain on which the moths tend to congregate, but it does mean that you have to be up to check for results well before it starts to get light! 

Over the previous four nights I had Nomophila noctuella, December Moth,  Red-green Carpet, Winter Moth, Scarce Umber, Mottled Umber, Feathered Thorn, Setaceous Hebrew Character, Sprawler, Green-brindled Crescent, Dark Chestnut, Brick, Red-line Quaker, Yellow-line Quaker, Pink-barred Sallow, Angle Shades & Silver Y in the garden so there are still plenty of species out there, along with those rather nice migrants which others have been getting.  Hopefully some at least will manage to survive the current period of stormy weather.

Dave Wilton
Westcott, Bucks  


  1. So what Method do you use? Attracted to a lighted MV lamp (125W) Robinson window?

  2. I'm sure I could dream up something longer than that for MapMate!

    Actually it is the twin-30wt actinic I use exclusively at this time of year, after leaf-fall (thinking of the neighbours, of course).


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