Friday 20 September 2024

A few mines...

 I have been regularly searching my Snowberry hedge for mines, without much success, only finding numerous short white vacated mines that I could not identify (below), hence I suspect they are not from a Symphoricarpus-specific species. 

However I realised that I should have been looking on the underside of the leaf as well as the upper surface, and doing that yielded a single mine which I am pretty certain is Phyllonorycter emberizaepennella. 
Phyllonorycter emberizaepennella mine? Stowe 20-09-2024

 I also found a couple of mines on a Crab-apple, one of which I think is a vacated mine of Lyonetia clerkella. 
Lyonetia clerkella mine? Stowe 20-09-2024

The second mine I have been unable to identify, so would appreciate some guidance! The leaf was curled up with the mine in the fold as below:

On opening it up I found a very small green larva 

Mine on Crab-apple Stowe 20-09-2024

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