Thursday 5 September 2024

Antispila treitschkiella in VC22 ('old' Berkshire)

I planted a sapling of the yellow-flowered dogwood Cornus mas twenty-odd years ago in my garden, and it is now a relatively large tree. Following reports from this blog about the finding of the leaf miner Antispila treitschkiella on this dogwood in Bucks I have been keeping an eye out for this on my tree. Yesterday I saw the obvious signs on a couple of leaves and the scan of one is shown below. Of the three Antispila species found in the UK, A. treitschkiella has been found to be specific to Cornus mas, not other dogwoods (Nieukerken et al. 2018), so the identification is straightforward. The size of the hole cut by the larva also indicates A. treitschkiella although there is some overlap with the other Antispila species (i.e., not diagnostic). 

John Thacker, Harwell

1 comment:

  1. Nice one, John. That means the moth has now been recorded from all three of our vice-counties.


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