Tuesday 3 September 2024

Pheromone power part II

A week or so ago, I noted how my pheromone trap had attracted a Gypsy Moth, despite it having been washed and having no lure in it. Following that, I washed the trap again thoroughly in soapy water. So I was amazed to find yet another Gypsy Moth in the trap this morning. This despite it being inside the garage, which is closed at night, apart from a very slightly open window. Clearly these pheromones are very powerful and persistent! 


  1. It may not have anything to do with pheromones. I have had two individuals to my 40W Skinner this year. Nowhere near any artificial pheromones. And a friend found one in the nearby wood in daylight. Perhaps they are just spreading out.
    Janice, Milton Keynes

    1. Hi Janice,
      Yes I think that theyprobably are spreading, as my records here in NW Bucks seem to be the first for this part of the county.
      However, I don't think the moth would end up by chance in a pheromone trap, inside my garage, unless it was attracted to the scent!

  2. I have had the same issue. I also cleaned traps, left them to soak for hours. When I took them back out to the garden a Gypsy moth appeared within about 10 mins. Last year I put the traps in the garage after washing but one of the blighters got into that too. I now leave them "open" after washing somewhere quiet so if the moths turn up (and they do) they should be ok until they lose interest. It usually is at least a week or so that they stop appearing.

  3. Well they do have pretty impressive antennae, so presumably very sensitive to even a trace of pheromone. Nevertheless, I'm amazed that there is even a trace left after thorough washing!


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