Tuesday 10 September 2024

One bit of excitement in a poor catch last night

Lyonetia prunifoliella Stowe 09-09-2024

Tiny, but surprisingly easy to spot on the egg box, as it gleams like silver!


  1. Hi Phil,
    It is generally a little bit larger than clerkella too, so, as you say, is reasonably easy to pick up amongst the detritus in the trap! It is amazing how quickly it has spread as the first Bucks record was as recently as 2018 when one was found in the Burnham Beeches RIS trap. It is well established in my area. I've trapped adults in the garden on six occasions since the end of July and while out today I noticed active mines on blackthorn in Finemere Wood.

  2. So the Atlas presumably doesn't give the true picture, because the distribution is rapidly changing? Now I'm aware of it, I'll be checking for mines locally too-there's plenty of blackthorn aroound here.


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