Saturday 7 September 2024

Alternative to 4am

 A few weeks ago I posted to ask if anyone had found a way of dissuading birds from treating the moth trap as their breakfast buffet, and Dave W responded to say he got up at 4am to see if there was anything interesting and then went back to bed. I tried this but wasn't a fan of it.

So I came up with this arrangement - a 1" square mesh cage around the trap which took 30 minutes to fashion. Whilst I doubt the hawk-moths would get in everything else seems to - I was hoping it would keep some LYUs out - and it definitely keeps the birds ot and moths are once again found resting on the outside of the trap. And I get to stay in bed until a sensible hour.


1 comment:

  1. Hello Andy,
    Let us know how you get on. Large moths can fit through remarkably small gaps to get into our traps but it will be interesting to see if something like a Clifden Nonpareil or Red Underwing copes with your new arrangement.


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