Friday, 19 August 2016

Longwick also slow!

A fairly slow period here in Longwick also but a few NFY species such as Garden Pebble and a Bordered Pug for only the second time. Only one migrant here though - a single Rush Veneer.

I would appreciate thoughts on the pictured pyralid. It was more cream than a Mother of Pearl and not quite so long-winged. I struggle with these Anania types!

Best Wishes
Andrew Kershaw


  1. Hello Andrew, a rather worn specimen but my guess is that it is Paratalanta hyalinalis. The species is certainly flying locally at the moment (I saw a handful at College Lake a couple of nights ago). It is found on decent chalk grassland across the Bucks Chilterns so you are close enough in Longwick to have had a wanderer from somewhere like Grangelands, especially on the easterly winds we've had recently.

  2. Thank you Dave - much appreciated. A bit quiet last night but three very fresh diamond backs.


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