Tuesday 12 April 2022

Phyllonorycter blancardella

Yesterday, late afternoon, I hang out my new NIG lure in one of my garden apple trees. When I returned to the lure at 7pm, there were 4 of these tiny moths flying around inside the trap. I think they are Phyllonorycter blancardella, but I have retained one for dissection.
Steve Trigg, Cookham

1 comment:

  1. Hello Steve,
    I had an almost identical moth to light in the garden last night, also kept, which I concluded was likely to be blancardella too, although I have had hostis here which can sometimes look rather similar. A wise move to get it checked by Peter! I see from the ALS web-site that blancardella and hostis (along with oxyacanthae) are known to come to the NIG lure.


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