Saturday 22 June 2024

Ephestia sp.

I am not sure whether this moth that came to actinic light needs gen. det. or whether it can be confirmed as Ephestia woodiella.
Janice, Milton Keynes


  1. Hello Janice,
    I'd be happy with that example as woodiella. Its cross-lines are the correct shape, the two black dots at two-thirds are clearly separated (on the left wing anyway) and, most importantly, it has that obvious pinkish blush. E.woodiella is certainly much more common, especially in moth-traps, than are the other Vitula/Ephestia species with which it might be confused. There's a very useful explanatory note on p.450 of the second edition of the Micro Field Guide.

  2. It has/is having a good year in Denham about 8-10 on the last 3 warm nights.


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