Tuesday 25 June 2024


 I think this moth is a member of the Tineidae. 6mm in length.

Obsidentify suggests 93% Infurcitinea teriolella which doesn't seem likely in the UK!

I have found Obsidentify has on occasions saved a lot of time and is often surprisingly good with micros. On the other hand it can be spectacularly wrong.

Andy Newbold, Sibford Ferris, Oxon. 


  1. With a bit of further research and the fact that it was to the LUN lure I thin Triaxomasia caprimulgella is most likely.

  2. Hi Andy,
    I was going to ask if this was in your light trap or to a pheromone lure - you've answered that question and I agree with caprimulgella which was my initial thought too. Yet another supposedly rare species which has been found to be more widespread thanks to the increased use of pheromone lures.
    Obsidentify seems to be one of the better on-line programmes when it comes to providing near-accurate moth IDs but it is fallible and I'm glad you treat its suggestions with great caution! These apps can be a useful tool to point the user in the right direction and no doubt they will improve with time, but I do see newcomers to this hobby relying on them far too much!


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