Thursday 27 June 2024

Garden Goat Surprise in Maidenhead, Berks!

Spotted, by chance, this morning in the vegetation by my trap which had run overnight, giving me a "what the heck is that" moment and I immediately potted the moth.  When I looked at it later I realised it was a Goat Moth Cossus cossus.  Only the second one I've ever trapped, the first was also in Berkshire at Wildmoor Heath in 2003.  I understand another one turned up last night not far from me in Maidenhead.

Martin Albertini

Goat Moth, Maidenhead 26th June


  1. There was also one last Tuesday 25 June in the Crowthorne area of Berks. This is where they are more usually seen.

    Martin Albertini
