Thursday 27 June 2024

Finding Foresters

Rob Payne, not of this parish, and I went in search of Foresters in two known fields on the borders of Chalfont St Peter and Jordans this morning. 

Although it was a bit overcast and windy, we did locate one, and later as the sun came out a few more took to the wing. Saw probably around 10 in the CSP site and 3 in the Jordans site, where the grassland wasn't nearly as grown up. Supporting cast of mainly 6 Spot Burnets with Marbled Whites and Meadow Browns

A couple did dispel the belief that they prefer pink or purple flowers though...

Not always though...

Dave Morris, Seer Green


  1. Nice! Thanks for taking the time and trouble to look at those South Bucks sites.

  2. Rob had been to the CSP site earlier on and had confirmed their presence then, but he is, as I said, not of this parish...!
