Sunday, 18 May 2014

Some IDs please

Another small catch - I'm wondering if the moths are getting warm and escaping before I get to the trap? Anyway here are three I'm not familiar with, sorry for the lack of measurement I didn't manage to sucessfully transfer any to a box.

Yesterday I went out to Lardon Chase, Streatley - it was a frustrating few hours of "Close Encounters from the Wrong Angle" but I managed to get a couple of shots - I'm think thing one might be a Hook Streak Grass Veneer?

Mark Griffiths, Garsington, Oxford


  1. Hello Mark, the top three are Light Brocade, Notocelia (Epiblema) cynosbatella and Celypha lacunana. With its 'yellow nose', the second one is quite distinctive and you should have picked that one up in a quick trawl of the books/websites, while the third is one that you'd better get used to as I suspect you'll be getting lots more of them...!

    The moth from Lardon Chase is Thisanotia chrysonuchella which is uncommon but well known from that particular site.

  2. Hi Mark, as Dave says Thisanotia is well-known at Lardon Chase, but even so it would be good to get the record details. Easiest way for me to deal with records such as this is if you can add them to iRecord ( but if you don't want to do that could you email them to me, or wait until the end of the year and send a spreadsheet? Thanks.


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