Sunday, 5 July 2015

Guess's and Help.

Rustic Shoulder Knot?
Reddish Light Arches? (FW18mm)
Sorry to keep bothering you all but I can't think of another way to make sure I improve.

Steve Lockey  (Garsington)


  1. I shall also wait for second opinions on the first of these Steve, but my first thoughts are that it is a Grey Chi, next is a Grey Arches, next a very tatty Brocade of some sort - possibly Pale Shouldered or Light - then indeed a Reddish Light Arches. Have you got another shot or two of the first one?

  2. Sorry Peter, but the moth in question has decided that it no longer wishes to sleep in my trap!.

  3. In order of appearance: dreadful photo of a Large Nutmeg, slightly less dreadful photo of a Large Nutmeg, a battered Dark Arches and a Reddish Light Arches


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