Tuesday 2 April 2019

Admin Post

Blogger is still working normally for me at the moment but it seems that one or two people have been unable to post today, which is co-incidentally the day that Mr Google decided to close down Google+.  If anyone else experiences problems please let me know (you can e-mail me from the 'About Us' tab above).  Until we get to the bottom of what might be going on, if you are unable to post you can send me your proposed messages and any pictures and I'll try to upload them myself.

Dave Wilton

1 comment:

  1. I got a message when I logged in before that date telling me I had to switch profile to a blogger one from a Google+ one. All very confusing because at one time I had two Blogger blogs, with 2 blogger IDs, then we had the Google thing and I had 3 profiles and now we are back to Blogger again..


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