Friday, 19 April 2019

Mystery visitor

Currently trapless we had a strange visitor yesterday.

Something flew to some bluebells in the garden, mid afternoon, hovered around them for a few seconds than just took off at speed.

I think it was most like a Hummingbird Hawkmoth - but smaller, a sandy brown. I didn't get much impression of the body so it wasn't a HB Hawk. Too sandy brown for a Silver Y.

I'm pretty sure it was a moth, not sure what else it would be though.  Any ideas?

Edit: for clarity I don't think it was a bee fly. They don't fly the same way. The first thing you notice about a beed fly is the body - it didn't have a body like a bee fly. It had wings like a moth - sandy brown.

Mark griffiths, Garsington, Oxford.


  1. Anthophora plumipes Hairy Footed Flower bee, male, perhaps. They zoom about a bit.

  2. hi Martin, no it wasn't bee shaped. I'm coming to the conclusion it was a Humming Bird Hawkmoth seen from an odd angle and against a dark background so that we could only see the hind wings.


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