Tuesday 27 September 2022

A bit too much grey

I agree with Dave about the smartness of the Autumnal Rustic, which is currently visiting here, but grey moths in general don't float my boat. May I ask for help with these; I think the Wave is a Small Dusty but am not completely sure and the others have me scratching my head in despair.  Many thanks for enlightenment. Martin Wainwright, Thrupp, Oxon


  1. Hello Martin,
    Top left is Deep-brown Dart, while bottom left and top right both look to me like examples of the very variable Square-spot Rustic. I'm sure the geometer is Riband Wave, which is having a second brood at the moment. There's no real indication of size from your image but Riband is (or should be) considerably larger than Small Dusty Wave which is also around just now in its second generation, so that made me wonder why you might have thought it was that species?

  2. Thanks very much as ever, Dave. It was very small - my scale is the eggboxes on which I am an international expert. All warmest, M

  3. I’m no expert but I immediately thought Small Fan-footed Wave.

  4. Thank you Martin and Dave for id of deep-brown dart - a moth in my trap last week which had me stumped so your post was timely


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