Here at Westcott cloud cover for much of the time meant that it was a good one for quantity last night with 211 moths of 26 species coming to the garden actinic trap. More than half of the total was provided by Lunar Underwing (119), with Beaded Chestnut (19) and Black Rustic (18) next in line.
Acrolepia autumnitella and Mallow were new for the garden year-list but the rest of the catch was much as expected:
Carcina quercana,
Epiphyas postvittana,
Clepsis consimilana,
Celypha lacunana,
Eudonia angustea, Common Marbled Carpet, Brimstone Moth, Willow Beauty, Turnip Moth, Large Yellow Underwing, Lesser Yellow Underwing, Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing, Setaceous Hebrew Character, Square-spot Rustic, Green-brindled Crescent, Deep-brown Dart, Brick, Barred Sallow, Pink-barred Sallow, Sallow & Frosted Orange.
Acrolepia autumnitella, Westcott 27th September |
Mallow, Westcott 27th September |
I also took three MV lights to Rowley Wood (close to Black Park, north of Slough) for the usual three hours but, in contrast to the conditions back at home, clear skies there and that bright moon meant that the results were fairly dire, the traps managing only 56 moths of 21 species between them. The only slightly noteworthy items were a late-ish male Vapourer and a second-brood Riband Wave.
Vapourer, Rowley Wood 27th September |
Riband Wave, Rowley Wood 27th September |
Riband Wave does sometimes have a second brood (I had one in Bernwood Forest back on 1st September too) and this reminded me that a couple of weeks ago a Plain Wave came to light in Bernwood but that species isn't known to have a second brood.
Plain Wave, Oakley Wood 10th September |
Dave Wilton
Westcott, Bucks
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