Monday 11 July 2016

Tortrix on Hogweed

There's plenty of hogweed in flower at the moment so here is a daytime flyer to look out for which sits on the florets alongside all the beetles and flies, the pretty little tortrix Pammene aurana.  This one was found while dog-walking around a field on the edge of Aylesbury, Bucks this afternoon.  There is a confusion species from a different family, Phaulernis fulviguttella which, apart from being a slightly different shape, is the same size, looks very similar and also sits around on hogweed.  Supposedly common (but in my experience not so in our area), if you find that one it would be an even better record!

Pammene aurana, Aylesbury 12th July

Dave Wilton
Westcott, Bucks   


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