I was briefly confused last night by a quite well marked but small Pug (wing span 15mm), though this morning in better light it was clearly a runt Green Pug. It was similar in size if not smaller than the 3 Haworth's Pugs that also arrived.
I failed to pot a Pseudatemelia sp, assuming at the time it was josephinae, forgetting that there are confusion species! (I must trap more!). Also, I often get one or two of these Monopis sp. They look to me like obviella, as the dorsal stripe seems very yellow and the wings look reasonably solid black. What do others think? I've never had one that looks that much different and may be crocicapitella, though I've never checked the hind wing.
Cochylis hybridella |
Recurvaria nanella |
Haworth's Pug |
Pseudatemelia sp |
Monopis presumed obviella |
Adam Bassett
Whilst I think you are right about obviella, it's another one to keep as there have been quite a few crocicapitella records, especially in the south of the county