Wednesday 11 November 2020

November? Winter? Or something I haven't even thought of!


This turned up last night on Cholesbury Common. Size suggests Winter Moth to me, but the pattern and colour maybe suggest November (agg)?? So I'm confused (it happens a lot!). Can anyone help, please?

Many thanks, David


  1. Hi David,

    That's a Winter Moth. The base colour does vary a bit and there have been some decidedly grey-looking ones over here too this season.

  2. Thanks, Dave - very helpful, and a new record for our local commons. I also had Scarce Umber last night which again is new. Do we get Northern Winter Moth around here, and if so, can it be distinguished from Winter without a genitalia examination?
    Many thanks again. David

  3. It isn't anywhere near as common and I find it to be more of a woodland species, but we do get Northern Winter Moth locally and it should be flying now. It is indeed possible to distinguish it from Winter Moth without resorting to a genitalia exam (refer to the field guide). Look for larger, silkier specimens and then check the hind-wing colour.


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