Friday 25 March 2022

Getting in on the act

I put out my mercury light on my Robinson trap last night in my Wolvercote, Oxfordshire, garden, along with a smaller portable actinic trap, without much expectation of anything: just wanting to get my mothing year off to some sort of start. I'm glad I did, as my second ever Emperor Moth (and my first in the current garden) graced the Robinson trap; along with, in the actinic trap, the other moth pictured (one photo with flash, the other without) which, judging by other posts here, I suspect may have been a Lead-coloured Drab (my initial assumption was a rather poorly-marked Twin-spotted Quaker, but I think it was too small, and the markings aren't right). I'd be grateful for confirmation; if it is a Lead-coloured, I think it's my first.

Emperor Moth, 24/3/22

Possible Lead-coloured Drab, 24/3/22

Possible Lead-coloured Drab, 24/3/22

Steve Goddard


  1. Can't be certain, but it looks like L-c Drab to me. The photo without flash is much more life-like!

  2. Thanks, Keith -- and that's a useful lesson about the use of flash...


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