Saturday 14 October 2017

A couple of queries

Nothing very exciting in the garden trap last night: 39 moths (probably a similar number of wasps!) Red-green Carpet, Common Marbled Carpet and Acleris sparsana were joint top in abundance with 7 each, then 6 Snout, 2 Green-brindled Crescent and singles of Merveille du Jour, Willow Beauty, Light Emerald, Chestnut, Pink-barred Sallow, Large Yellow Underwing, Copper Underwing agg, Epiphyas postvittana and the two micros below, which I have posted for comment/confirmation.

The first I think must be Rhopobota naevana.  I get lots of these through the summer and generally they look fairly straight forward, but occasionally I see one that seems slightly different, though they can be variable.

The second is about 5mm long and looks to be the Aproaerema anthyllidella/Eulamprotes immaculatella pair, so one for Peter I guess.  Photos aren't that sharp but give a reasonable idea of the features.

Adam Bassett
Marlow Bottom

1 comment:

  1. Hi Adam, seem to have missed this query - sorry! I agree with Rhopobota naevana and the lower one does look to me more like anthyllidella which I've had a few October records of in the past.


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