Friday, 19 June 2015

In and around my regular sites.

I've run lights in my garden, at the Burial Park and at the museum this week.  A few migrants have been in evidence with a single Rush Veneer (NFY) and Silver Y in my garden, the latter enjoying the Valerian nectar, plus Diamond Back and White Point at COAM.

Other new-for-year species have been Pandemis cerasana, Archips podana (also new for site at COAM), Tortrix viridanaAnania perlucidalis, Small Angle Shades, Dwarf Cream WaveClouded Border, Ditula angustiorana and Snout.

 Small Angle Shades
 White Point
Anania perlucidalis

Also, can anyone tell me what this is. I'm kind of thinking a Common Swift but it was much larger than all the others I caught, and obviously an odd colour (at least based on what else I've seen), with matching white spots on both sides...

Dave Morris


  1. The size and that white spot make it good for Map-winged Swift in my book, Dave. I presume there was bracken close to where it was caught?

  2. The tiny antennae make it a swift and it is Map-winged form gallicus, which is reasonably frequent among the normal forms. Dave W & I had a couple of gallicus at Grangelands recently. Common Swift can be extremely variable, but never like gallicus.


  3. Thanx for the pointers and id! There is bracken at the site, although not immediately near where the trap was set. Anyway, a new moth for the site.


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