Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Some new garden moths and a query

A couple of new moths to my Cookham garden this week. On Monday afternoon, I came across my first Scarlet Tiger resting by the garden shed.

Next to my moth trap this morning, hiding in the wet grass, I found a Lilac Beauty. Being a rather faded beauty, it didn't take kindly to being photographed, and this is the best shot I could obtain.

Finally, I think the moth below is an Obscure Wainscot (I noticed Martin Wainwright caught one last week) but I would be grateful for confirmation.

Steve Trigg, Cookham


  1. Hi Steve, yes that is indeed Obscure Wainscot, a nice catch. I've had a few locally this year, including three at a nearby reed-bed site two nights ago, but it is a species that has yet to make it into my garden.

  2. Steve
    I agree with Obscure Wainscot.
    The Scarlet Tiger is level with the furthest South record in Bucks. There are few Bucks records in the Bucks SU 10km square, most are in the SP 10km square (ie further North).

  3. Many thanks Dave and Martin.


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