Friday 11 September 2020

Leaf Mines

Encouraged by Dave's posts I've had a look for leaf mines in the garden this morning. It's made harder this year as so many leaves have blemishes following the hail we had a month or so ago.

Anyway I think I have Lyonetia clerkella on Apple, 


then Phyllonorycter maestingella  on Beech (not so sure about the second one)


and Stigmella aurella on Bramble.

I need to have a look at the Lilac's, they are usually martyrs to Gracillaria syringella, although I can't recall seeing them this year.

On the macro front the first Lunar Underwing appeared a day ago and the first Frosted Orange a few days before that.

Mark Griffiths, Garsington, Oxford.


  1. Hello Mark,

    I agree with Lyonetia clerkella on apple (you'll probably find it on other tree species too as it doesn't seem to mind what it eats!). The first beech image looks reasonable for Phyllonorycter maestingella but I wouldn't like to comment on the second as it is too old. For many blotch miners like this it is often easier if you can find an active mine so that things like the number of creases can be seen. If the plant in your last two pictures is bramble then there's a choice of two species locally, Stigmella aurella or Stigmella splendidissimella, and I think you are correct with aurella in this case.


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