As others have already said, April hasn't been brilliant for moths. It was therefore quite a nice surprise to find a fresh Chamomile Shark on the outside of the trap on the night of the 27th April. Marc Botham, Didcot
Definitely one of the moths on my garden "wish-list". There are just over 40 records for Bucks (although only about 10 post-millennium) and it could well be quite widespread across the county, but seems rather reluctant to come to light. One of the most recent county records was of a larva quite close to home here in 2017 so I live in hope!
Definitely one of the moths on my garden "wish-list". There are just over 40 records for Bucks (although only about 10 post-millennium) and it could well be quite widespread across the county, but seems rather reluctant to come to light. One of the most recent county records was of a larva quite close to home here in 2017 so I live in hope!