Wednesday 7 August 2024


Hi there,

This first image, I've decided is a male Yellow-legged Clearwing, which came to the correct lure this morning. The other two images are of a different moth which came to the same lure a couple of days earlier (one of six looking much the same).

. I can't make the pattern of bands fit with anything in the book. In addition, the dark areas of the wings are much more heavily marked and the cell spot much bigger.Help!!



  1. Hello David,
    You are correct with Yellow-legged for the first individual. The others are Raspberry Clearwing, a larger species with obviously feathered antennae. When using pheromones you always need to check what you get - it is quite common for some species to come to the "wrong" lure.

  2. My edition of Waring and Townsend doesn't have Raspberry Clearwing! So I'm not going mad after all!! Thanks, Dave


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