Monday 26 August 2024

Wood Carpet?

 This is the second night running I've had what I think is a Wood Carpet. No grey line on the white cross band and more pronounced projection on dark cross band. Cholsey. SU56941 Or is it a Common?




  1. Hello Andy,
    Maybe, maybe not, and I think your CMR is going to have to make that decision! Your specimen does appear to tick some of the boxes but I would have preferred to see more of the hind-wings and to know the wing length. In any case I'm not really the person to ask because over the years I've had one or two here in Bucks which looked just like your specimen but higher authority decreed that they were Common Carpet! The situation in Berks and Oxon may be different but as far as Bucks is concerned there has only been one record of Wood Carpet since the millennium and, without a specimen to refer to even for that one and with none of the recorders still around to check with, there must be an element of doubt over many/most of our few sightings.

  2. Thanks Dave - I couldn't be in better company for having doubtful Woods!
    On the admin side if I enter it in iRecord and it (and any other records) get accepted as correct will they eventually appear on this site and as dots on the maps?


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