Saturday 31 August 2024

Newbie tiggerish enthusiasm

 The first year of identifying moths must be one of the most exciting things to do without leaving home!

I'm sure the excitement wears off as the years cycle round and there isn't so much new, but at the moment there are new species on most nights. Some are striking in appearance, others are more mundane but still intricate in their pattern detail and some just exquisite without being spectacular - I'm thinking in particular of the Feathered Gothic that appeared a cople of nights ago, followed by the Frosted Orange and Black Rustic (much as Dave W's list). The only disappointment is that such beautiful species are all designated as common - which they might be in numbers and distribution - but not in their appearance.


  1. Hi Andy, No need to worry about tiggerish enthusiasm - has lasted me several years now. Keep going, and I keep getting new species too, posting on this wonderful blog when unsure. Andrew

  2. Just to add my pleasure that you're enjoying it so much and my reassurance that the excitement and anticipation - and rewards - never stale. I've been lighting my trap since 2005 and yet every morning still feels like the first. Hope you get many more years of interesting arrivals (and questions for the amazing experts on this blog) All warmest Martin W


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