Friday 30 August 2024



This little chap fell on to the windscreen in Wolvercote's Port Meadow car park, initially un-noticed, and then survived the 50mph stretch along Frieze Way and a visit to Kidlington Tesco's before ending up snugly in the wipers, above. I think it's a young Lime Hawk cattie but would be glad to know if I am wrong.  Thanks as always. Martin Wainwright, Thrupp, Oxon


  1. I think it probably isn't Lime Hawk, as there is no sign of the wonderfully named 'anal flap' that should be visible (see So either Poplar or Eyed, but not sure which.

  2. Goodness! Thanks very much, Martin. I stiull learn something (and often more) every day. All warm wishes, Martin W


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