Monday 10 July 2023

A few more micros

 Plenty of micros in my trap in Merton on Sunday morning. A few colourful ones including (I think!) Oncocera semirubella and Rhyacionia buoliana below were new to the garden. Apologies for the quality of the photos, taken through glass as they were all very lively

Also what looks like Agonopterix heracliana, but I'm not sure that can be identified without dissection?

There were a couple more that I'm not sure about. The first looks to be the same as one posted on this blog recently and which I have a feeling I've seen before, but can't place it. The second (2 pics) looks as if it could be a Mompha sp, maybe divisella

And on a larger scale, I think this is a Dark Umber which was also a new one for me.


  1. Hi Linda, your first micro is Anarsia innoxiella.

  2. Hello Linda,
    The queried micros are Anarsia innoxiella and Blastodacna hellerella, while your macro is indeed Dark Umber.

  3. Many thanks to you both. I should have recognised Anarsia innoxiella, it turned up here once before!


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