Saturday 28 May 2022


 I caught this moth on Thursday night and recorded it as a May Highflyer which in itself would be a new record for the garden. However a couple of more experienced moth recorders have seen this photo and suggest that although rather worn there are suggestions of an apical streak and slightly pointed wing tips which are features of the Ruddy Highflyer. Unfortunately the moth had been released before this question was raised. I expect it is just a May Highflyer and I should record it as such but advice would be welcome.

Andy Newbold, Sibford Ferris, Oxon.


  1. Hi Andy,
    For me that's a worn May Highflyer. The suggestion of an apical streak can't be a decider between the two because May Highflyer does sometimes have it too, although it is less pronounced than on Ruddy (some of my own images of May Highflyer show a bit of a streak there as well as those nearby parallel bars). Ruddy Highflyer has never been recorded in our area so any claim for it would, I think, need to be backed up with a specimen.

  2. Thank you. I thought that would be the case but just checking.


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