Monday 9 July 2018

Hellinsia osteodactylus?

A small plume appeared at a lit window last night. The forewing length is 8mm, and I thought it might be Hellinsia osteodactylus (Small Goldenrod Plume)? There is plenty of goldenrod in the vicinity.

Steve Trigg, Cookham


  1. Definitely one to keep for closer inspection, Steve. According to John Langmaid's maps the moth is known from VC23 but not from VC22 or VC24. Actually, I don't think it is osteodactylus because the wings are rather too "spotty", but I'm sure you are in the correct area.

    1. Thanks Dave. Yes, the wings do seem too speckled. I will keep the moth.

    2. Looks more like H. lienigianus with those dark marks on the plumes.


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