Monday 16 July 2018

A few queries

Perhaps foolishly, I've been trapping away here in Wolvercote, Oxfordshire, without really having the time to process very much data... Hoping to catch up over the next few days, starting by just checking a few specimens I'm fairly sure of, but would appreciate confirmation for - three of them would be lifers, so quite interested to know whether I'm right. What I'm suspecting/hoping for, though I'm aware there are rather similar species to several of them, are: August Thorn (shown from behind in case the angle of the wings is useful); Brown-tail (I think I've been stung before by a dark-looking Yellow-tail, and there have been plenty of that species around of late); Hoary Footman (or just a light Scarce Footman...); and Slender Brindle. As ever, any confirmation very welcome indeed.

Steve Goddard

Possible August Thorn, 14/7/18

Possible August Thorn, 14/7/18

Possible Brown-tail, 5/7/18

Possible Brown-tail, 5/7/18

Possible Hoary Footman, 13/7/18

Possible Slender Brindle, 9/7/18


  1. Hello Steve, you have Dusky Thorn, Brown-tail, Scarce/Hoary Footman (you really need to look at the hind-wings to determine which that one is) and Slender Brindle.

  2. Thanks, Dave: the footman will have to stay as an either/or, and a shame about the thorn, but good to have the others confirmed.


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