Monday 16 July 2018

Couple of further queries from Longwick

Once again a fairly uninspiring catch with a Scalloped Oak, Muslin Footman and a pristine acleris variegana the only really stand out specimens this morning. Two Diamond Back continues the current trend.

A couple of queries - firstly a pyrale which looks too small (ws 30mm) and creamy for Mother of Pearl ( and I'm really bad at those ones!). And the second looks like an oegoconia - but the text suggests they aren't reliably identifiable without Gen Det?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andrew, the first is Phlyctaenia perlucidalis (or Anania perlucidalis as I suppose we should be calling it now), while the second is indeed an Oegoconia which will need closer inspection to get to species (deauratella is the most likely but quadripuncta is reasonably frequent locally too, at least it is in my garden).


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