Tuesday 19 June 2018

IDs and confirmations please.

I think I have

 Aleimna loeflingiana

Two Double Square-spots

Unknown micro - 2 pictures of same individual


Treble-bar or Lesser Treble-bar. The overall colouration is more like a Treble-bar but the size is perhaps indicates lesser. I've stared at various images of the inner bar - maybe lesser?


  1. In the abscence of any one else having a go I'd say yes definitely to Double Square-spot,Dioryctria sp., Shears and according to abdo. illustrations Lesser Treble-bar (male).

  2. Hi Mark, you have Aleimma loeflingiana, probably Double Square-spot, what looks to me like a Delplanqueia species, then Shears and Lesser Treble-bar (female).

    I say probably for Double Square-spot because separating it from Triple-spotted Clay is not easy (the differences in the field guides make frequent use of "usually" too, which is never a good sign!). Your example has a hint of reddishness about it so it might have been worth checking the hind-wings, but it would seem that Double Square-spot is by far the more common species locally.

    Assuming that's what it is then the Delplanqueia would be a very good garden record for you. However, if I'm correct then it would need dissection because what we formerly knew as D.dilutella has now been split into two species. I've had examples dissected from ten different sites in Bucks so far and they've all turned out to be "the other one", D.inscriptella.

  3. thanks both - I still have the micros so one can go for dissection.


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