Thursday, 21 June 2018

Common White Wave ..and Robins

hi, I was thinking this is a Common White Wave - I got a Common Wave a few days ago. Can someone confirm?

Also looking for advice about Robins. I've got one (possibly two) that are now following me when I start looking at the trap. Anything that flies off is intercepted and eaten. I'm trying to vary where I go off to to examine the trap but it's a bit of a nuisance. Any advice?

Mark Griffiths, Garsington, Oxford.


  1. Hi Mark, yes to Common White Wave. I can't help much with the bird situation though. Once a Robin has associated you with a regular source of food at a particular time of day there's not much you can do. Varying the time of day or the place that you go through the catch may help, but not everyone has the luxury of being able to do that.

  2. thanks Dave. It seems to be always out there - I garden as well - but I've seen it sitting on a telegraph wire above the trap at dusk so have needed to delay lighting up time. The garden isn't big but there is a small top garden and I've been releasing there - a Robin is around (maybe a different one) but I've never seen it try to catch escapees - I'll need to do the sort and release there rather than the sort in my normal place.


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