Tuesday 5 June 2018

re a few queries from Longwick

As Peter suggested I have posted a couple of additional photos taken on a brighter day!

The first tortrix looks  a bit like a slightly melanistic Capua Vulgana now to my eyes, whilst the Pyrale I still struggle with as the closest candidates such as an Ephestia or Vitula seem unlikely?


  1. Could the first one by Ptyocholoma lecheana. Agree the second is in the Ephestia area, very well marked and would need it's parts looking at

  2. The second moth is almost certainly what is now called Ephestia woodiella, but as Martin says, ID is unsafe without dissection.

  3. I think it is Cryptoblabes bistriga Adam. Take a look and tell me what you think.

    1. Interesting. I still think that it is an Ephestia (prob. woodiella). The shape of the lower pale cross line, the obvious two black dots on each wing in the dark central band and the slight faded redness on the basal part of the wing all point to this species for me.

  4. Thanks everyone for your comments. I can see that Martin is correct on the tortrix as the cross lines are visible if I look closely. I would have never have got it from looking at Lewington! Sadly I no longer have the second moth - I will have another look at the photos but if it is an Ephestia it will stay Ephestia sp!


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