Friday 16 June 2023

2 pugs and a tortrix

 I am not confident about identifying these two pugs so any help would be appreciated.

I thought I would show a photo of one of the hundreds of Green Oak Tortrixes flying around the oaks in Bernwood yesterday (15th).

 Dave Ferguson, Beaconsfield


  1. Hello Dave,
    I'm not really sure about these either! An indication of size might have helped, but I'd guess at Wormwood Pug for the first (the discal spot doesn't look sufficiently large for Currant) and Freyer's Pug for the second.

  2. Hi Dave, for what it's worth (and with similar caveats) I had come to the same conclusions about the Pugs as Dave W, although the Freyer's looks more ochreous-brown than usual (Currant Pug would also have a relatively strong pale sub-terminal line and tornal spot).

  3. The top pug was f/w 9mm, the other 11mm.

  4. I lost the top pug in the house never to be seen again, or so I thought. I found it this morning dead. If it is of any interest I will retain it.


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